
Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars and Professionals (ICTSP)

  Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars and Professionals (ICTSP) Introduction The Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars and Professionals (ICTSP) is a global association of Christian theologians, scholars and professionals around the world. It is aimed at bringing together like minds who share same common purpose to foster deeper relationship and exchange of sound ideologies among concerned members.   Our Objectives Ø To raise the standard of concerned Christians and expose them to 21 st Century standard of doing things right. Ø To encourage excellence and specialist expertise in matters pertaining to Christian education and professionalism. Ø To help members achieve their personal aspirations, fulfill their career ambitions and develop their innate potential. Ø To support lifelong learning and encourage education in Christian setups. Ø To give professional recognition to the knowledge and skills of Christian  Theologians, Schools...

Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars and Professionals

  INTRODUCTION The Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars and Professionals: a global Christian network of Theologians, Scholars and Professionals helping to fellowship, share, promote,  educate,  encourage, recognize, communicate God's intent for the 21st Century Christian leaders throughout the world. Here are our core values: To build relationships and connect members and associates for the building of God's Kingdom around the world. To promote high Levels of spiritual skill, knowledge, integrity and theological competency on the part of Clergy, Christian educators, Bible Scholars, and Church leaders for the benefit of the Kingdom of God. To advance the interests of members of the Institute, and to provide facilities, services and benefits for them. To represent the interest of members of the Christian community to the world and to encourage and foster a climate favorable to Christian activity while creating unity. To promote the study, research and developme...